
Showing posts from March 16, 2020

Day 3: Sunday

Last night I read several more chapters of World War Z  and it was none too easy to fall asleep. This morning I went to the Farmers' Market, arriving shortly after it opened, and found roughly the normal crowd of both vendors and customers. Most wore no protective gear; the vendors, in any case, come largely from less affected parts of the state. I wore gloves while making purchases, but not for any reason I had thought through. I was careful to buy no more than I expected to eat over the coming week. If other people were hoarding, I didn't see it. Most of what is sold here is perishable, but can last weeks in the fridge. The Sunday Assembly held a team meeting by video, for the first time. That part went smoothly after the first ten minutes or so of people getting used to the app. No-one had trouble installing it -- ten years ago would have been different. We took it for granted that an indoor Assembly for next month was off the table, and mulled whether to hold an outdoor