
Showing posts from March 26, 2020

Day 14: Thursday

Light frost this morning; if it had been warmer, I might have got the bike out. As things were, I walked across El Camino -- jaywalking in perfect safety at about 07:10! -- and failed to talk myself out of a quick swing through the supermarket. Eggs: none. Flour: none made from wheat, though there was almond flour. Cooking oil: hardly any. Cans of soup: some, but huge gaps on the shelves. Come on, people. Someone I know took her three small children out for a walk and was stopped by a cop who told her they formed too large a group. Gaaah. I'm told the National Guard has  been mobilised, including some to our area, but have seen no sign of them at all. More constructively, the supermarket had marked spots six feet apart so people who queue up can keep their distance. I still see very few masks. Good. Keep those for the medics. At work, they're starting to think about making our lives easier, such as by shipping us the monitors we left at the office, where nearly nobody needs