
Showing posts from April 2, 2020

Day 21: Thursday. Recriminations.

The streets were quiet this morning, as before. I forget the exact count, but something like two cyclists, one dog, and two or three walkers. I saw many cars, but only because I crossed a main road. Somebody actually honked at me for jaywalking. I should seriously consider getting the bicycle out this weekend, or perhaps tomorrow. Lack of car traffic should make an early ride much more pleasant. The charts make dispiriting reading. Both the US and UK are doubling their caseloads every three days, even now. Spain is doing better than this and Italy much better. In this county, after two and half weeks locked down, cases continue to rise at the rate of perhaps 10% each day, though the counts are certainly inaccurate. Locally, I see more complaints about shortages of basic supplies, violations of social distancing, and so on. On the Web, cudgels and daggers are being raised against politicians who refused to see this coming. I too am past being kind, past mincing words about such a pr