
Showing posts from April 12, 2020

Day 31. Sunday. Good things.

At the Farmers' Market, nearly everybody wore masks, and more vendors --  though far from all -- had instituted one-way traffic, moved their cash registers six feet apart, chalked markings on the asphalt, and so on. Some of the markings on which customers were to stand while waiting were clearly closer to each other than six feet, but customers mostly took care to stand at least that far from each other. I bought a generous quantity of snap peas and made sure to thank that vendor for coming to feed us. So what did I do yesterday? Nothing; if possible, less than nothing.  Today? Not much either, but since two of us in this household celebrate Easter, we had a slightly festive meal, and I took my turn cooking it. Next Easter, I'll allow more time for the potatoes. This morning fifty non- or less-religious people attended our first online Sunday Assembly. Well, fifty of their computers (or other devices) attended. It resembled the offline one quite closely, apart from one glit