
Showing posts from April 3, 2020

Day 22: Friday. On the bike.

Yes, today I put my wool socks on (it's chilly for April), got the old Specialized down off the wall, and pedal out, for the first time in almost four weeks. It felt a bit unfamiliar. I don't think I've been entirely off a bike that long in decades. The roads were indeed quiet, and I covered five miles. I used two main roads, which were not so quiet, but had plenty of gaps between the traffic. At work, there was a newsletter with photos of interesting work-at-home rigs, one using an ironing board! Yes, we have one of those too, but I'm not planning to use it; all of these photos showed a laptop only, with no large monitor. These days, I find the latter indispensable. We are now being advised to wear cloth masks outside (but not the medical-grade equipment). I have an old ear warmer that will be better than nothing. Better news is that the country reports only 90% week-on-week growth in both cases and deaths; I've not yet found a graph of hospital cases, but numb