
Showing posts from April 4, 2020

Day 23: Saturday. Better data.

Saturday is my rest day, but I felt energetic enough to walk downtown and back, once I had actually got up (not a quick process). Since it was later in the morning, I saw far more people than usual. I carried a disinfectant wipe with me, and used it on the exit door at the Post Office after checking the contents of a PO box. Returning home, I did perhaps the riskiest thing I have yet done during this epidemic: I invited my son to cut my hair. Yes, I needed it. No, he wasn't enthusiastic, but given my simple needs (short sides, short back, and there isn't enough on top to matter), he did well enough. I wonder when I'll see  a real hairdresser again. We' are close to running out of fresh vegetables, but I'm fairly sure we have some frozen ones, and the Farmers' Market is tomorrow morning. I'll play it safe and use the plastic bags the vendors provide -- normally I bring my own, but that is deemed risky. Given the improvement in growth rates (see below), and