
Showing posts from April 5, 2020

Day 24. Sunday. Other perspectives.

Today I biked to the Farmers' Market, wearing my new mask, plus a cotton puff each side of my nose where the fabric leaves a gap.  I went by way of an ATM: the emergency has lasted long enough that I've used up most of the cash I had. There are slightly fewer stalls again, perhaps 70% of normal. The number of customers seemed further reduced; while a lot of people were still bare-faced, distancing was fairly carefully observed, making it hard to fit the usual number of customers into the space available. I saw one vendor chalking the word "ENTER" in front of her stall, and reminding the guy at the cash register to direct people the other way for exit. I think I spent a bit more than usual. We had a video get-together with about a dozen Assemblers, purely social, except we discussed the mechanics of our new Google Group a bit. It is already seeing traffic, which heartens me. In the afternoon I used up some of our dwindling stock of groceries to make half a pot of sou