
Showing posts from March 17, 2020

Day 5: Tuesday

This morning I went southwards, rather than northwards, for my morning walk. I saw about five other people, most of whom were walking without dogs, and a few cars. Then came stretching exercises, which I think are important at my age, and best done with muscles that have warmed up. I also do some push-ups; not very many, because I can't do very many, but working on that. Even with exercise, I don't have a colossal appetite for breakfast. So get down to work. New guidance from my employer on working at home suggests dressing as if to go the office --- nonsense, say I -- and actually turning the video feed on during meetings so that we can see each other's ugly faces, which I agree with. Much though I'd rather see beautiful or handsome faces, it does me good to see and hear that the people I've spent so much time with are still there and still human; to gossip a bit. The one who was the undisputed clown of the team has, unfortunately, been shifted to another project

Day 4: Monday

I've heard back from my other neighbour that they are doing all right. This has been a relatively normal (by recent standards) working day. The announcement of the the Bay Area's "shelter in place" reached me about 15:00. It seems fairly sensible, or perhaps just bows to reality. People can still go jogging, just not in groups. The boys have moved their flight dates up. Let's be glad that there are so many vacant seats! Discussed with my wife whether we should ask the boys to take extra precautions when they get here. They've been widely exposed over the past week, to a population that has a low rate of infection so far. Read some proposals that seem to make sense. Since people are going to have to stay at home, make some great entertainment available online or even (gasp) on TV. Stage some NBA games or something, using players who have tested negative. I hear that the Berlin Phil has made its catalog available, no paywall. Guarantee treatment to medic