
Showing posts from March 21, 2020

Day 9: Saturday

Saturday is the day when I rest as much as I want to after a hard week's work. We even eat out -- or, these days, get take-out food, which today was pizza. I've done a few fun things and feel pretty cheerful. Cheerful enough, in fact, to dig out the folder from that talk I went to last year, at my wife's encouragement, on setting your affairs in order well before you die, which can save your spouse and/or children a good deal of trouble and expense. Not to mention making it easier for them to convince doctors to heed their recommendations. A patient who has a breathing tube down his throat is not going to be able to tell the doctors anything, and he (that is, I) may well be drugged enough that what he might say would have no legal force. The money is not a big problem: nearly everything we own is covered under "community property", so my wife won't even have to inherit it: it is already hers. No, I'm not showing symptoms, nor have I been exposed to any