Day 399: starving for contact, even I am

 It should not have taken me so long to put these pieces together.

Since I began to Stay The F*** At Home, I've been reading fewer books, magazines, and other one-way forms of communication.  Most of my input has been Reddit, Quora, and various substack and other blogs with active comment sections.  I've also felt more inclined to write on my own blogs.

But I'm an introvert, with low need for variety, generally quite happy to stay at home.  I had simply assumed that this meant I also didn't have much need for social contact of any kind, even in the face of facts like the eagerness with which I join video calls.  The answer is, and always has been, that I need contact with other minds, minds who think at least somewhat like me.

So let's hear it for blogs.  They make isolation bearable. 


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