Day 38. Monday. Out for a walk.

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm back on the exercise routine. I didn't push quite as hard this morning as I had been doing, but felt better while walking than I had when I got up. I had also neglected my garden over the weekend, and spent half an hour out there after work, pulling weeds. I should have worn a mask, since there were pedestrians passing by. Most of them weren't wearing masks, but that does not excuse my laxity.

Work was quite routine, but I've learned that Roche has publicly announced an antibody test for early May. Have I mentioned yet that I work for Roche? I'm not a scientist, though, so I can claim no credit for the tests manufactured by the group.

We read now that a high proportion of the Diamond Princess passengers were tested, and of the positives, 1.6% died. Given that cruise ship passengers tend to be even older than I am, this may mean that I have a better chance of survival than I had thought, should I become infected. It's still a risk I have no intention of taking.

Because I read economics blogs, I'm seeing plenty of opinions about how unsustainable the present pandenomics is, especially the massive bailouts that are (presumably) keeping creditors from harm. Can you say, "moral hazard"? (But who are the final creditors?) The fundamental problem is that governments themselves are huge borrowers, so ... they are biased in favour of lenders. Maybe printing money is the lesser evil. Maybe I'm just biased myself, because so little of my investment is in fixed-interest securities. At all events, next time a politician tries to excoriate short-term traders, it will be time think in chorus, "Pot, meet kettle."


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